Un fuyard reconnu non criminellement responsable

Posted on April 9, 2020 by Katleen Frenette Source: Journal de Montréal

Jean-Gabriel Piché, 35, was admitted to trial by videoconference.

Briefly, the prosecutor, Jean-Philippe Robitaille, explained to judge Rachel Gagnon the circumstances that led to the arrest of the man who has no criminal record.

"The police received a call regarding a vehicle in which an individual was allegedly stealing gasoline or attempting to light a fire with gasoline," said Mr. Robitaille.

Once the AUDI SUV was located, the police attempted to arrest the suspect, but instead chose to flee.

At least two deployments of studded mats have been made in an attempt to curb the runaway, including one on the Côte Joyeuse, in Saint-Raymond, and another near the Pont-Rouge arena.

In one of these deployments, the suspect grabbed a policewoman who had fired at him.

"After fleeing the police for several kilometers, my client hit a fire hydrant located on boulevard Wilfrid-Hamel and that is what put an end to the prosecution," added the lawyer for the accused, Me Simon Roy.

According to the evidence presented in prosecution, Piché then made "unstable and suicidal" comments.

Since the report of the psychiatrist Sylvain Faucher concluded that the man was not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder, the president of the court ordered that the Piché file be transmitted to the administrative court.

"I also order that you be detained at the Quebec Mental Health Institute and I grant you the possibility of obtaining outings with or without accompaniment, the duration, frequency and terms of which will be determined by your treatment team", added the judge before wishing the accused good luck.