Before the courts to have the right to treat her husband
It was the CEO of the CIUSS, the MUHC, who denied him access. Used to fighting, the lady will file an interim interlocutory injunction in order to have the right to care for her husband.
“I have been in a situation for five weeks where I cannot provide relief and assistance and essential care to my husband. I think it’s an abuse that is detrimental to the rights of my husband and myself. It is urgent that I be allowed access to provide care, "said Luciana D’Amore in an interview with TVA Nouvelles.
She fears that the situation of the CHSLD Herron could reproduce elsewhere, and for this reason, among other things, that it is urgent that it intervenes.
"I ask the Prime Minister and Mrs. Blais to think very carefully about the situation that happened in Herron. Do you really think that if the caregivers had not been excluded, if they had been allowed, would the situation have lasted 10 days, during which they would revive letters? Caregivers would have sounded the alarm long before and there would have been no disaster in Herron. "
According to family lawyer Patrick Ménard, the sick have the right to receive care, a fundamental right, even during a pandemic.